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Council to begjín on foot in the world of the career

Who can run

The appropriate clothes  

The sport shoes

Wardrobe of training  

How to begin  

To leave the first day  

Initial   programs

Intermission programs  

To improve the speed  

Forms of training the speed  







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Page dedicated to all those that we need to make something of sport and we don't see the appropriate moment to begin, or we have stopped to smoke and we see that our body you begins to expand and be heavy  very quicly and we don't know as stopping it, or we think that we are too bigger to begin to exercise.          


In definitive, it is a page open to everybody that wants begin on foot in the world of the career 



   The most difficult, it is to leave to the street the first day willing to make sport, but there are forms of mitigating that effort 





Practical Council to begin on foot in the world of the career 











Who can run 




        At the first,  any person that doesn't suffer of impediments motors can correr,  all time that running will obtain some benefits that she doesn't give us the sedentary life. 



        Neither the age, neither the physical constitution are obstacles insalvables, although before any doubt and mainly if we suffer some cardiovascular illness we should consult to a doctor that is the only one qualified to clarify our fears. 



        Jogging  is part of the daily life of millions of people in the entire world that they have discovered the physical and psychological advantages that report them, besides being an appropriate exercise to any age, it can be practiced in solitary or in group, it doesn't require special learning, neither expensive team, it is not necessary to register in any gym, it can be practiced at any hour and it is enough with leaving to the street to begin to run.  











The appropriate clothes 




The sport shoes   



The part but important of the equipment that we need  to run is a good couple of  sport shoes. 


In the market they offer a great variety of marks and in any store they will be able to us to guide on the appropriate slipper for each one of us. 


Nevertheless it is necessary to have in cuenta  that we don't need a competition slipper that although we find but beautiful and slight, they offer less subduing and protection that others of training. 


To begin, we should choose a slipper that allows us to make a big volume of kilometers without losing their properties and protect to the same one our time feet. 


In general, the external sole, being of big pegs should if we will train in earth and of small pegs if the habitual place is the asphalt. 


The  half sole should be thick to offer great subduing in the impact against the floor, existing diverse systems in the market that you/they increase the subduing, (air, gel ...etc.). 


The material should be very transpirable, should discard those of rigid sky  that go us to “to cook” the feet. 


They owe being of high tip, that which will influence in the duration of the footwear, and to try that the fluke is padded, what will give us a bigger comfort


And him but important of everything, they should be very confortable,  should not harm neither to press neither the first day. 






     *Wardrobe of training 



Leaving to part the fashions, the rest of the team will depend on the climatological conditions with those that we will run. 


The T-shirt and short pant, if we use it, they should be of a high degree of perspiration, comfortable and slight and that they don't produce us grazes


If the external conditions demand it, we will use a chándal, impermeable,  or another coat clothes, sweating-cloth, stockings ...etc. that in all the cases we will offer that they are little heavy,  of easy use (to remove and to put) that don't produce us close contacts neither press us  and that they have great capacity of perspiration. 


Nevertheless, and except for a good initial couple of sport shoes,  the rest of the team doesn't have a decisive meaning truly. 


The clothes of a dress specially designed to run, will it be necessary for a beginner only in the case of not having swims by hand appropriate, but who doesn't have a propaganda T-shirt and a sweatsuit? 











How to begin



The most difficult thing for a person that wants to begin to make sport is the simple one made of getting up of the sofa to turn off the television and to get dressed with sport clothes willing to exercise. 


A great majority of people that you/they want to begin to run, doesn't end up getting up of the sofa fearing seeming stupid, they lack value to put on some slippers and to begin to run down the street.  


Many of us also want to begin to make sport because we do each other with excess of weight and we don't know as lowering, the diets don't convince us, we pass hunger..... Because well, to run us goes to help all, it will provide us a without end of advantages and we will also have a good time with it. 


If we have an excess of weight it maybe suits us to walk before, beginning with half hour during three or four days a week. It will also be good to take the step of to leave house and to explore the city in search of a circuit to begin to run. 











To leave the first day





The first and main, is that to run must be amusing 




The ideal thing is to begin in a flat place with earth surface or grass, because the legs won't feel the effect as much as in the asphalt, but we can begin in an asphalt street without any problem. 


          Before beginning should keep in mind that we won't make the first days a marathon but rather we will simply begin to run, for what we will begin with an easy level and we will avoid to make too excessively soon and that the stiffness are a not well fleeting one.    


Once resolved to go out of house dresses with comfortable clothes and elect the place where we will begin our adventure, we will begin with something very easy and simple, like it is to walk to step I live to enter in heat, to stretch muscles and to avoid lesions. 


Past about five minutes of walk to quick step, let us maybe begin to sweat, sign that the body has heated and we can intensify the exercise a little without risk to injure us. 


Well, next we will begin to make a career slowly, simply jogging, and we will try to continue her until he lacks the breathing a little, then we continue walking until feeling comfortable, to renew the career again. 


We will attempt the first days to run and to walk approximately during 20 minutes, without worrying about the rhythm or the traveled distance. 


The following day we rest and to the third day we exercise the of the first day again, resting to the following one and the day fifth repeats the basic exercise, resting the days six seven. During this week it is normal that the muscles are aching for the habit lack and let us have been able to complete with great difficulty the week, thanks to the enthusiasm and to the firm decision of beginning


The idea is to run slowly and to walk, to run slowly and to walk, that is to say training and rest, training and rest (something that we will see continually in these notes)  


The second week, we will make the same exercises that the previous week, although it is something tedious, but it is a critical week, since probably we don't see big progresses and let us don't still feel the enthusiasm to run.    


For sure it has been something hard, but if we have arrived at the end of the second week, it is already moment of beginning to improve. 


Starting from now we will try gradually to increase the continuous tracts of career until being able to run during 20 minutes without stopping, and still without worrying about the speed.  


Starting from here we can already trace a program of training that we don't have to continue rigorously, but rather it is to orientating to maintain the gotten achievements. 


Arrived to this point, it is of vital importance the continuity in the training. To lack a day of training supposes a bigger effort when training again. For that reason, although it costs us some days that we are tired to come out or we don't simply feel like it, let us make the effort of leaving to run alone 10 or 15 minutes, this way, we won't have broken the continuity in the exercise and it will be we but easy to return to him. 


















20 minutes


20 minutes


20 minutes


30 minutes


This program, it can be continued at least during one month, or until we are under conditions of making it continually, before passing to increase the intensity of the training. 








 Next some charts are exposed that can serve of reference to increase the training progressively and that we can use once we have consolidated the previous program. 











30 minutes


30 minutes

20 minutes


45 minutes


It suits to make during at least two weeks before passing to the following program .










30 minutes

30 minutes

30 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes


60 minutes




If we are able to carry out this last program, during at least one MONTH, we will have an acceptable level and we will be under conditions of beginning to play with the speed. 



From this point, we can point to goals but high, but if we have begun of zero and we have arrived until aquí,  we are already something but that beginners and we can say that we have an acceptable physical condition. In little time and without realizing, we have become corridors and we have a new liking 


















45 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes


60 minutes


Soft rhythm 

Incorporating 20 min. rapids 


Soft rhythm

Incorporating 20 min. rapids 


Soft rhythm

Incorporating 20 min. rapids   


Soft rhythm
















6  Km.

10 Km.

6 Km.

10 Km.

6 Km.


15 km.

Quick rhythm 

Soft rhythm

Quick rhythm 

Soft rhythm

Quick rhythm 


Soft rhythm




I insist in that the previous programs are simply orientativos, and each one can modify them to their approach, keeping in mind that it suits to alternate resistance trainings with trainings of speed or rhythm bigger than the accustomed one. 



















            Once arrived at a certain level, it is interesting to know like it can improve the speed by means of trainings específicos,  and of those that should not be abused, being advisable to only carry out approximately a session every two weeks. 


            Nevertheless like I indicate but below, to make 5 or 6 accelerations from time to time after finishing the habitual training, he/she can help us to desentumecer muscles that we don't use in the slow career. 








*   Intervals 



It consists on carrying out different tracts to a rhythm of superior career to the normal one, with a brief period of recovery among each tract to comfortable rhythm or of trot, repeating the quick tract before having recovered us of the previous effort. 


The key of the exercise consists on not allowing to lower too much the heart rhythm, accelerating the career rhythm again when this begins to happen. 



The training of intervals for a beginner can consist of of 8 or 10 tracts de  400 meters, with recoveries of 200 meters, but it can vary in function of the necessities of each corridor, varying from a minimum of 400 for 200 of recovery up to 1500 or 3000 for 400 of recovery. 


The training to intervals demands bigger effort that any other form of working the speed since doesn't allow to relax completely  







             *     Repetitions 



A repetition exercise consists on running very quick along a short distance, including a time to recover, before repeating the same distance. 


            Contrary to the intervals, here we recover almost completely before repeating the exercise. 










In the acceleration, it is to get the biggest possible speed in a very short distance. 


One generally runs on distances of 50 or 100 meters like maximum, and the purpose is to develop style and speed. It is also once a good desentumecer form the muscles carried out the habitual training










They are accelerations that are inserted amid a training or resistance career, supposing an abrupt rhythm change. 


The attacks can be made along any distance, and they are sometimes good to leave a “bassoon” during the career. To attack lightly to a rhythm but express can be good to recover same de  it forms that if we ran but slowly.  





        * Fartlek 



“Fartlek” it is a Swedish word that he/she comes to mean it played the speed. 


The fartlek is una  continuous career of rhythms, and it is mixture of all the previous exercises where one runs slowly, he/she accelerates, he/she accelerates slowly, with rhythm changes to will and without following some preset norms. 


It is usually practiced in paths, and some small ascent is usually included.  















ADW: A good database to write down the daily progresses.  








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For any question or sugerencia  sends an and mail a and if it is in my hand I will answer your doubts or I will consider that that it has more than enough or it lacks. 




